
    哭泣杀神1 杀手肖像


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    • 非凡资源M3U8

      Emu Hino, a 29-year-old virgin, witnesses a mob hit and fears that the killer will now find her and kill her. Indeed, he sets out to do so; he's Yo Hinomura, a talented potter and artist who's been conscripted against his will to be the prime hitman for the 108 Dragons, a gang within the Chinese Mafia, who are determined to push aside Tokyo's local crime lords. He breaks into her house, and she asks that he make love to her before he kills her; she connects to his inner self, and he becomes her protector. Now he must defend her against the local crime gang, who have connections with corrupt Tokyo police. Will Yo and Emu make it out alive, and will the 108 Dragons triumph?


    哭泣杀神1 杀手肖像主题曲:暂无

    哭泣杀神1 杀手肖像台词:暂无

    哭泣杀神1 杀手肖像播出时间:1988


    • 9.0完结终末的女武神泽城美雪,黑泽朋世,关智一,绿川光,高木涉,樱井孝宏,诹访部顺一,野津山幸宏,速水奖,铃木达央,田中理惠,松冈祯丞,田所阳向,中野泰佑,山口智广
    • 9.0完结工作细胞BLACK榎木淳弥,大桥贤一郎,日笠阳子,Lynn,内山夕实,鸣海崇志,久保由利香,椎名碧流,布里德卡特·塞拉·惠美,平川大辅,津田健次郎
    • 3.0完结工作细胞第二季花泽香菜,前野智昭,小野大辅,井上喜久子,长绳麻理亚
    • 8.0完结紫罗兰永恒花园石川由依,子安武人,浪川大辅,远藤绫,内山昂辉,茅原实里,户松遥
    • 5.0完结86 -不存在的战区- 第二季千叶翔也,长谷川育美,山下诚一郎,藤原夏海,早见沙织,铃代纱弓,泊明日菜,久野美咲,内田夕夜,石谷春贵,山下大辉,村田太志,植木慎英,福原克己,小野将梦,风间万裕子,石上静香,杉山里穗
    • 7.0完结86 -不存在的战区-千叶翔也,长谷川育美,山下诚一郎,藤原夏海,早见沙织,铃代纱弓,白石晴香,石谷春贵,山下大辉,村田太志,植木慎英,小野将梦,福原克己,坂泰斗,石上静香,贯井柚佳,风间万裕子,杉山里穗,三上哲,楠大典




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